
My apartment's empty this weekend, quiet compared to last. The beer is gone, the air mattresses deflated, and the dishes making progress. It's nice just the two of us, but I wish Ally lived down the street. And I wish Molly lived down the street. And I wish Ashlee lived down the street. And I wish Ellie lived down the street.


  1. Your apartment gets such nice light!
    Also, happy New Year!

  2. Aww... I always feel this separation anxiety for a few days after the holidays are over. I wish they lived down the street :-).

    Your apartment is beautiful.

  3. I WANT to live down the street. But lets mash this all together now, I'll take Chicago but put it in Oregon. And we might as well make the coast a tropical one if we're making this a fantasy now eh?

  4. Oh when your loved ones live far, it's hard.
    I wish a lot of people I know lived down the street too...

  5. It's an odd mixture of peacefulness and loneliness after having company over. Nevertheless, I love all the greenery in your apartment. It must be such a mood lifter to see life growing in almost every corner. When I get a place of my own, I'd love to have as many indoor plants as you!

  6. i love your photos (stumbled upon one on pinterest which is how i found my way here)...your kitchen/dining area with the greenery and windows is fantastic :)

  7. I can feel your loneliness right there. But I hope you won't go down further. ;) BTW, your apartment is nice. I like apartments with lots of windows.
