
from seed

It's too sunny and beautiful outside to get any real work done today. But storms should arrive by the evening and I'll make some tea, put on some mellow music, and buckle down. It's been a perfect weekend with a dinner party, flowers, delicious small plates while dining outdoors, a cute boyfriend, and a few long walks.

I sowed four different varieties of seeds in a big ugly plastic trough, andmore quaintlyin some egg shells I'd been saving for the occasion. I'll still buy many seedlings from the garden center (hello, lavender!), but I'd love to eat some summer veggies which I grew from my own tiny seeds:

Gardener's Delight Cherry Tomato Lycopersicon lycopersicum
Roma Tomato Solanum lycopersicum
Arugula / Rocket Eruca sativa
Ring-O-Fire Cayenne Chile Capsicum annuum


  1. I hope your seeds grow good and well and that you can enjoy your self grown tomatoes, rocket... good luck !

  2. I love seeing that you are growing your own produce from seed. once the Roma tomatoes grow..cut them in half, lengthwise. Scoop out the seed and fill with feta chees, I like sundried tomato/basil feta cheese, and then grill or stick in the oven. yummy!!

  3. I love your blog. Such a good idea to grow seedlings in eggs!

  4. I wonder what those 4 seeds are?
    I like starting from seeds too as I can see them how they grow, and be able to see all detailed process and when I succeed, it feels good.
    Good luck with your seed! and I have sowed lots of different kinds of seed too.

    Glad to find a new blog friend who likes plants.
